The UN honors Baahdy & Birdy with an award
In 2018, Baahdy & Birdy won the World Summit Awards, which is an international award ceremony where the UN is one of the partners. Now the UN's own organization for tourism has honored Baahdy & Birdy with an award - again this time for being a particularly good solution in line with the sustainability goals.
- This is an award we are incredibly happy to receive! Knowing that we are noticed abroad and in the UN system for being an innovative and sustainable solution gives us confidence and motivation to continue working with our concept, both nationally and internationally, says Linda Skipnes Strand, co-founder and general manager in Baahdy & Birdy.
Over 2,000 participants from 120 countries took part in the competition. Of these, 30 made it to the final and now the 15 winners have been drawn, of which Baahdy & Birdy are one of the lucky ones. The award ceremony itself will take place in autumn 2023. The award also includes a scholarship to the UNWTO academy, access to UNWTO's investor network, a three-month accelerator program in Switzerland and more.
More about the competition here UNWTO Awake Tourism Challenge
About the UNWTO
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is the UN's special organization in the field of tourism and is tasked with promoting sustainable tourism, particularly with regard to developing countries. It was established in 1974 and today has 155 member states. Norway joined the organization in 2008. The head office is in Madrid, Spain.
Press release from UNWTO